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Showing posts from February, 2022

Custom HTML5 Video Player with Vanilla JavaScript - KWG Video Player

Custom HTML5 Video Player with Vanilla JavaScript KWG Video Player is a free custom HTML5 video player. It is written in Vanilla JavaScript and no library is required for it to run. The video player can be used in different web projects freely. Multiple instances of the video player can be used in a single page. and the appearance of the player can be customized. Upon creating a KWG Video Player, an Object is created in which one of the members is html5 <video> element and all Media events, properties and methods are available for it. For the whole functionality of KWG Video Player , see documentation source . Integration 1. Load CDNs <link rel= "stylesheet" href= "" /> <script src= "" ></script> ...

Moovie.js - Media player made for movies - Integration 🚀

To know more features about this player visit GitHub . BMSVieira / moovie.js Movie focused HTML5 Player Demo ▪️ Installation ▪️ Shortcuts ▪️ API ▪️ Integrations ▪️ Events Styling ▪️ Plugins ▪️ Custom Events ▪️ i18n ▪️ Settings ◼️ Features: 🔧 Fully customizable and Easy-to-use 💎 Built-in caption offset adjust on the fly 🎬 Built-in support for .vtt and .srt caption files 🕹 Built-in Plugins , use the code that you really need! 🎯 Built-in CustomEvents , add multiple events that will run a specific currentTime 🖊 Add tracks/captions dynamically using our API 🗃 Add tracks/captions locally on the fly (no server or upload required) 🌠 Adjust speed on the fly 🛠 Standardized events / shortcuts / API 🖌 Caption customization 💪 No dependencies, built with VanillaJS 🌎 Tested in all mode...

21 GitHub Repositories to Become a JavaScript Master 📚🚀

Learning and mastering JavaScript can be hard if you are not aware of the resources that are available to you. You don't need to apply for expensive courses and boot camps. In fact, a great start is GitHub. These free repositories will include everything you need. The list cover topics from algorithms and engineering principles to style guides, code snippets, cheatsheets, books, projects, interview questions, testing, etc. 1. javascript-algorithms ⭐ Github stars: 123k+ trekhleb / javascript-algorithms 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings JavaScript based examples of many popular algorithms and data structures. 2. 30-seconds-of-code ⭐ Github stars: 87k+ 30-seconds / 30-seconds-of-code Short JavaScript...

Instagram Image downloader Using JavaScript - API - Wholly API

Wholly API :- See This is the API endpoint- Fetch Using JavaScript :- Ref. Google Users can fetch the websites content on there website even using Pure JavaScript . The different URLs will return you different results in JSON format. Just grab the JSON Using any Server Side or Client Side Language and Show on website. Some API Uses are Given Below :- Get Post's Images URL{{Your Post's id}} See Example Here :- It will return a JSON you something like this { "status" : 1 , "id" : "CXCI49ABauD" , "user" : "robertdowneyjr" , "userimage" : "https: \/\/ \/ resize?url=http...

I created a GitHub Clone Using JavaScript - WebScrapperJS 😮

See Demo :- Demo Home View :- User Page View :- Repo View :- The Process Tools to be Used :- WebScrapperJS - Get Content/HTML of any website without being blocked by CORS even using JavaScript by WhollyAPI Detailed Article SH20RAJ / WebScrapperJS WebScrapperJS - Get Content/HTML of any website without being blocked by CORS even using JavaScript by WhollyAPI WebScrapperJS WebScrapperJS - Get Content/HTML of any website without being blocked by CORS even using JavaScript by WhollyAPI Website :- GitHub | | Article Grab the CDN or Download the JavaScript File "> < script src =" https://cdn....

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