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Showing posts with the label Source Code

Creating an Instagram YouTube Downloader using PHP

 Creating an Instagram YouTube Downloader using PHP Source Code :-  GitHub  -

Google Drive File Thumbnail Downloader Website + Script For Blogger or any website

 Google Drive File Thumbnail Downloader Website + Script For Blogger or any website Download :-  Download Direct :- Download GitHub :- Visit and Demo :-  Visit ToolAde :- See Demo GDThumb :-

Sopplayer Integration - HTML5 Stylish Video Player

Sopplayer Integration - HTML5 Stylish Video Player See Demo :-      Visit GitHub  - Codepen  - Demo Sopplayer Screenshot See Video Documentation : -  Steps :-       1. Use  class = "sopplayer" in Your <video> Tag .      2. And Add  data-setup = "{}" , attribute like this . <video id="my-video" class="sopplayer" controls preload="auto" data-setup="{}" width="500px"> <!--Use class="sopplayer" and data-setup="{}" --> <source src="" type="video/mp4" /> </video>      3. Add the Css CDN before  </ head >  Tag . <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <!--Here is the Css Library-->      4. Add t

How to turn any GitHub repo into a CDN Using jsDeliver

How to turn any GitHub repo into a CDN Last week I discovered  jsDeliver , a service that let’s you turn any GitHub repository into a CDN. Example :- Recommendation :- Always Use @latest in URL to get the latest version and file. ( Hat tip to  Sarah Dayan, aka Frontstuff , for this one. ) Here’s how it works. The base URL is{username}/{repo}/ , where you replace  {username}  with the GitHub username and  {repo}  with the repository name for the project. Append that URL with the path to the file you want to access in the project. For example, for my  Atomic XHR plugin , the JavaScript file is located in the  /dist  directory. You’d use this.  html <script src=""></script> You can also take advantage of semantic versioning by adding  @{version-number}  to the repository name. You can target major, minor, and pa

Create a URL Shortener Website like

We can create 3 types of Services  1. Create Without using Database ..... Examle :-  2.Using Database Examle :- uniqueid  3. Using Database and .htaccess Both Examle :- uniqueid 1. Create Without using Database Only This File Source Code :- Full Website Source Code :- 2. Using Database

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