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Showing posts with the label YouTube

Upload Videos to YouTube from Video URL

Upload Videos to YouTube from Video URL Firstly Make a Copy of the Script. (Google Script ) Then You will be able to edit and Upload Videos to YouTube from Video URL. Script Link :- Upload Videos to YouTube from Video URL

VideoJs Custom YouTube Embed Player

VideoJs Custom YouTube Embed Player There are 2 Ways to Integrate .I will show you the simplest way. Ways :-      1. Go and see Documentation :-     2. See Below --- Add CDNs To Your WebPage :-  1. Css CDN Before </head> Tag <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> 2. JavaScript CDNs before </body> Tag <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> 3. And add <video> Tag with type="video/youtube" in body ( where you want to place video ) <video id="my-video" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" width="640" height="

Add Ckin Video Player to YouTube and HTML5 Video Player

Custom HTML5 Video Player with Ckins... See Demo - On CodePen :- Just Copy Paste The CDNs To Your Website... Css CDN  <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> Js CDN <script src=""></script> Add Video Player <video poster="" src="" data-ckin="default" data-overlay="1" data-title="The curious case of Chameleon..." ></video> See Demo :- Here are Some Skins Also :- Defaul

How To Update YouTube Title According To views and Likes on it

 How To Update YouTube Title According To views and Likes on it This Video Has x likes and y views - GitHub -> Method 1 Steps :-      1. Go Here To Google Scripts  .      2. Create a New Project . How To Update YouTube Title According To views and Likes on it - 1.png     3.  Go To Github Link  :-  and                Copy Whole Code For Embed . How To Update YouTube Title According To views and Likes on it - 2.png      OR Here is The Embed - You Can Also Copy From Here ...          4. Now , Delete All Code That are Present there Previously and Paste The New Code There ... Now , Delete All Code That are Present there Previously and Paste The New Code There ...     5. Now , Click on + sign on Services and Add YouTube V3 Data API . Now , Click on + sign on Services and Add YouTube  V3 Data API . Now , Click on + sign on Services and Add YouTube  V3 Data API .  

How To Remove YouTube Information From Embedded Videos

How To Remove YouTube Information From Embedded Videos Video Documentation :- With Used modestbranding=1 (Without Logo)    Have you ever embedded a video on your website, then found you wanted to remove the YouTube branding or other videos at the end? You can control this by adding parameters (i.e. passing information) to the end of the URL of the video. What Parameters To Use rel=0 This shows only related videos from the  same channel  as the video that was just played. Otherwise, YouTube will display any relevant, public video at the end of your video. controls=0 This hides the controls at the bottom of the video player. modestbranding=1 This hides the YouTube logo in the control bar (which would appear at the bottom of the video). Note: if you use this and controls=0, you'll still see "YouTube" in the bottom right where the controls would be. autoplay=1 This will automatically start playing the video. loop=1 This will automatically replay the video once finished. How

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