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SP-FLAMINGO - SopPlayer Skin Integration

SP-FLAMINGO SopPlayer Skin Integration See Demo :-  Demo Website :-  or View on :- Steps to Import :-  Steps :-        1. Use  class = "sopplayer" in Your <video> Tag .      2. And Add  data-setup = "{}" , attribute like this . HERE IS THE FULL VIDEO CODE      < video   id = "my-video"   poster = " "           class = "sopplayer"   controls   preload = "auto"   data-setup = "{}"   width = "500px" >        <!--Use class="sopplayer" and data-setup="{}" -->        < source   src = ""

ToolAde-Share - A Free Open Source Share My Website - HTML Website Plugin

Toolade-share A Free Open Source Share My Website - HTML Website Plugin Open Website :- Just Copy Paste the Code Anywhere in your Website and Get A Free Open Source Share My Website - HTML Website Plugin <script src=""></script> A ToolAde Product - Home

Google Drive File Thumbnail Downloader Website + Script For Blogger or any website

 Google Drive File Thumbnail Downloader Website + Script For Blogger or any website Download :-  Download Direct :- Download GitHub :- Visit and Demo :-  Visit ToolAde :- See Demo GDThumb :-

Copy Text Using Javascript Function

How to Copy Text Using Javascript Function Here is The Video Documentation :-  Here is The JavaScript Code To Copy ... < script >      function   myFunction () {        var   copyText  =  document . getElementById ( "myInput" );        copyText . select ();        document . execCommand ( "copy" );        alert ( "Copied the text: "  +  copyText . value );     } </ script > This Code Will Copy The Whole Content Inside the Tag Where id is  myInput   . Click on the button to copy the text from the text field . Try to paste the text (e.g. ctrl+v) afterwards in a different window, to see the effect. Copy text   Try The Coding Here :- Here is How the Full Code Will Look Like :-  <! DOCTYPE   html > < html > < body > < p > Click on the button to copy the text from the text field. Try to paste the text (e.g. ctrl+v) afterwards in a 

Extract File ID From Google Drive File Link Using Javascript

Firstly Add This Function  function getIdFromUrl ( url ) { return url.match( /[-\w]{25,}/ ); } Now , Your File ID will be    getIdFromUrl ( url )[ 0 ] Try It Here :- GDThumb GET ID ID will be Appear in Console and alerted too ... See Drive Thumbnail Downloader Based on This Technique :-


  1. USING GITHUB See Video Documentation :- 

Disable Download option in HTML5 Video

  See Video Documentation :-    Before - When video tag Download is Enabled . Here is a Simple Video Tag :-       < video   width = "320"   height = "240"   controls   loop >          < source   src = ""   type = "video/mp4" >         Your browser does not support the video tag.      </ video > -- Preview -- Your browser does not support the video tag. For Disabling the Download Option  After Disabling Download Add This Attribute  controlslist = "nodownload" Now the Full Code Will Look Like :-       < video   width = "320"   height = "240"   controls   loop   controlslist = "nodownload" >          < source   src = ""   type = "video/mp4" >         Your browser does not support the video tag.      </ video > -- Preview --

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