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griffith : A React-based web video player - Integration - HTML5 Video Player #13

griffith : A React-based web video player - Integration - HTML5 Video Player #13

Github | Demo | Standalone Usage

<div id="player"></div>
  const target = document.getElementById('player')

  const sources = {
    hd: {
      play_url: '',
    sd: {
      play_url: '',

  // create player instance
  const player = Griffith.createPlayer(target)

  // load video

  // dispose video
  //player.dispose();//This sunction will remove your player

See Codepen Demo :-

See the Pen griffith : A React-based web video player - Integration by SH20RAJ (@SH20RAJ) on CodePen.

More HTML5 Video Players


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    Custom Video Player #13 - HTML5 Video Player
    griffith : A React-based web video player - Integration

    We had given videos on implementation of 12 diffrent video players already. Here one More...

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    Let's Integrate this player in Blogger post ...
    You can also do the same process to add this in a HTML Website...

    This is a Simple Video Player...
    Now it's time to add the custom video player

    If you are Using the player in apx. all posts of your website then instead of adding the cdn to each post add it once to your blog from Themes->Edit HTML or HTML Gadjets (See my other videos for refrence)

    See More on GitHub that how to use it and many more functions...

    Add your video link here...

    If you wanna get Quality options then you should have 2 (or more) video links one sd and hd (Should be diffrent video)

    and Define it Like this

    Place this here once and you will not need to add the cdn to each post....

    Article Link will be in description...

    Thanks for watching till last...



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